Learn to use various feng shui techniques to not only raise the frequency of your environments, but also raise your own personal frequency levels! Learn the basic principles of why feng shui works, including the 5 types of energy we use in Feng Shui, basic chi flow, the 6 purposes of using Feng Shui, and what many of the various Feng Shui techniques or schools are used for. Uncover why there are so many discrepancies between the various schools. Discover how this ancient science can help you to get better sleep without meds, Find your calm spot for better meditations, Increase your effectiveness and efficiency in your work, Access your “Lucky Energy”, Increase your income, Enjoy more Harmony at home and in your relations with family, friends and business associates, and how you can Raise your personal frequency and consciousness continuously.
One of the many Compass School techniques, 9 Star Ki is a system originated in China, popularized in Japan and used for many different purposes. Sometimes known as 9 Ki Astrology, we will explore some of the aspects used to determine where and when traveling plans would be most beneficial or harmful to each individual. We will also study how carefully planning a move can be very beneficial if the direction and timing of the move is considered beforehand to optimize your good luck for the move, or how ignoring this information could lead to a detrimental experience.